sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

ROMs Stock - Europa - Samsung Galaxy Mini

Las ROMs stock se instalan vía Odin siguendo estos pasos:
Advertencia: se perderán todos los datos.
  1. Descargar Odin y el archivo .ops:.zip en Mediafire
  2. Descargamos la ROM que nos corresponda (abajo lista)
  3. Si hace falta descomprimimos la ROM, tiene que quedar un archivo .tar
  4. Conectamos el Mini en Modo Download (lo apagamos y lo encendemos manteniendo:  bajar volumen + tecla central + boton power)
  5. Abrimos el Odin y seleccionamos lo siguiente: 

    1. Finalmente le damos a Start, (aunque veais que el telefono se inice, no lo desconecteis hasta que no ponga PASS en la primera casilla de arriba en el odin, donde os informará del tiempo que lleva flasheando y que esta haciendo.)

    Listado ROMs Stock Europa
    S5570XWKTN 2.3.6 2012 March S5570OXXKTB no especificado : https://hotfile.com/dl/150329015/698…B_RST.rar.html
    S5570XWKTN 2.3.6 2012 March S5570OXXKTB Netherlands (T-Mobile): http://www.sammobile.com/firmware/?p…70&r=1#regiona
    S5570XWKTH no especificado 2012 February S5570OXXKT9 Poland : http://www.sammobile.com/firmware/?p…70&r=1#regiona
    S5570XWKA7 2.2.1 2012 January S5570OXXKA6 Greece : http://www.hotfile.com/dl/147074587/…6_EUR.zip.html
    S5570XWKT7 ## no especificado 2011 December S5570CRGKT1 Croatia : http://hotfile.com/dl/146650046/e750…1_CRG.zip.html
    S5570XXKS4 ## 2.3.5 2011 December S5570SERKS4 Russia : http://hotfile.com/dl/146668925/d308…4_SER.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 ## 2.3.5 2011 December S5570OXFKS2 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH TELECOM :http://hotfile.com/dl/146332297/6aaf…2_BHT.zip.html
    S5570AIKQ3 2.3.4 2011 December S5570TIMKQ2 Italy (TIM) : http://www.hotfile.com/dl/147070448/…2_TIM.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 2.3.5 2011 December S5570OXXKS2 Greece : http://hotfile.com/dl/146313164/fb9b…2_EUR.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 ## 2.3.5 2011 November S5570OXXKS2 Open Austria : http://hotfile.com/dl/146338182/a7cd…2_ATO.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 ## 2.3.5 2011 November S5570OXXKS2 Hungary (Telenor) : http://hotfile.com/dl/146502117/d0ca…2_PAN.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 ## 2.3.5 2011 November S5570OXXKS2 Hungary (VDH) : http://hotfile.com/dl/146670463/e3d5…2_VDH.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 ## 2.3.5 2011 November S5570OXXKS2 Hungary : http://hotfile.com/dl/146508054/a53b…2_XEH.zip.html
    S5570XWKQG ## 2.3.6 2011 November S5570O2UKQ4 United Kingdom (O2) : http://hotfile.com/dl/146311590/8ace…4_O2U.zip.html
    S5570JVKT1 ## 2.3.6 2011 November S5570OJVKT1 Turkey : http://hotfile.com/dl/136484147/097b…JVKT1.rar.html
    S5570XWKS7 ## 2.3.5 2011 November S5570OXXKS2 Switzerland : http://hotfile.com/dl/146337706/cba0…2_AUT.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 ## 2.3.5 2011 October S5570OXXKS2 Spain : http://hotfile.com/dl/146665419/cb76…2_FOP.zip.html
    S5570BGKS3 ## 2011 October S5570XECKS1 Spain (Moviestar) : http://hotfile.com/dl/146321207/b5ab…1_XEC.zip.html
    S5570MJKS2 ## 2.3.5 2011 October S5570OMNKS1 Italy (Vodafone) : http://hotfile.com/dl/146665696/6fb0…1_OMN.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 ## 2011 October S5570HUIKQ6 Italy (H3G) : http://hotfile.com/dl/146338861/9057…6_HUI.zip.html
    S5570XWKQG ## 2.3.5 2011 October S5570XEUKP1 United Kingdom / Ireland : http://hotfile.com/dl/146506377/afe6…1_XEU.zip.html
    S5570XWKQG ## 2.3.4 2011 October S5570XEUKP1 United Kingdom / Ireland : http://hotfile.com/dl/133552385/4aa6…1_XEU.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 2.3.5 2011 October S5570DBTKS1 Open Germany : http://hotfile.com/dl/145844401/4cda…1_DBT.zip.html
    S5570XWKS7 2.3.5 2011 October S5570OXXKS2 Netherlands : http://hotfile.com/dl/145852517/19e2…2_XEN.zip.html
    S5570XWKQG ## 2.3.6 2011 October S5570CPWKP1 United Kingdom (Carphone Warehouse) : http://hotfile.com/dl/146342944/39fe…1_CPW.zip.html
    S5570JVKQ3 2.3.4 2011 September S5570OJVKQ5 Turkey : http://www.hotfile.com/dl/159841686/…5_TUR.zip.html
    S5570BVKQ4 2011 September S5570OROKQ4 Romania : http://www.hotfile.com/dl/147082291/…4_ROM.zip.html
    S5570XXKS1 ## 2011 September S5570SERKS1 Russia : http://hotfile.com/dl/146653045/4fd3…1_SER.zip.html
    S5570XIKQC ## 2.3.5 2011 September S5570FWBKQ1 Italy : http://hotfile.com/dl/146507437/71ce…1_FWB.zip.html
    S5570XWKQG 2.3.6 2011 September S5570TMHKQ1 Hungary (T-mobile) : http://www.hotfile.com/dl/148858967/…1_TMH.zip.html
    S5570XIKQC 2.3.4 2011 September S5570ITVKQ2 Italy : http://hotfile.com/dl/145848309/80d0…2_ITV.zip.html
    S5570AIKQ3 ## 2.3.4 2011 September S5570TIMKQ2 Italy (TIM) : http://hotfile.com/dl/133281838/5e17…2_TIM.zip.html
    S5570XIKQC ## 2.3.4 2011 September S5570WINKQ2 Italy (Wind) : http://hotfile.com/dl/133281808/1937…2_WIN.zip.html
    S5570XWKQ7 ## 2.3.6 2011 July S5570OXXKQ6 Hungary (VDH) : http://hotfile.com/dl/146320824/7f6e…6_VDH.zip.html
    S5570XXKPK ## 2.3.4 2011 July S5570SERKPK Russia : http://hotfile.com/dl/125835351/8179…ERKPK.rar.html
    S5570XWKQ7 2.3.6 2011 July S5570OXXKQ6 Hungary (Telenor) : http://hotfile.com/dl/145848667/d4a1…6_PAN.zip.html
    S5570XXKPI ## 2.3.4 2011 June S5570SERKPI Russia : http://hotfile.com/dl/145766351/d0cb…XXKPI.zip.html
    S5570XXKPJ ## 2.3.4 2011 June S5570SERKPJ Russia : http://hotfile.com/dl/124685947/5c6d…ERKPJ.rar.html
    S5570XXKPF ## 2.3.3 2011 May S5570SERKPF Russia : http://hotfile.com/dl/146669217/57c5…XXKPF.zip.html
    S5570XWKE3 ## 2.2.1 2011 May S5570TSCKE1 United Kingdom : http://hotfile.com/dl/145771225/d2a0…XWKE3.zip.html
    S5570XWKE3 ## 2.2.1 2011 May S5570ERAKE3 Poland (T-Mobile) : http://hotfile.com/dl/145771579/eb0f…XXKB2.zip.html
    S5570XWKC8 2011 April S5570OXXKC9 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH TELECOM) : http://hotfile.com/dl/145862050/b010…9_BHT.zip.html
    S5570XWKC1 ## 2.2.1 2011 March S5570OXXKC3 … : http://hotfile.com/dl/145681543/a1cb…XWKC1.zip.html
    S5570XWKC2 ## 2.2.1 2011 March S5570BSEKC1 Belgium : http://hotfile.com/dl/145685070/a8c5…XWKC2.zip.html
    S5570XWKC3 ## 2.2.1 2011 March S5570H3GKC2 United Kingdom (H3G) : http://hotfile.com/dl/145760663/059a…NEKC1.zip.html
    S5570XWKC5 ## 2.2.1 2011 March … … : http://hotfile.com/dl/145686209/403e…XWKC5.zip.html
    S5570XWKC7 ## 2.2.1 2011 March S5570OXXKC3 … : http://hotfile.com/dl/145741873/6dd1…XXKB1.zip.html
    S5570BGKC3 ## 2.2.1 2011 March S5570XECKC2 Spain (Moviestar) : http://hotfile.com/dl/145760390/57b3…BGKC1.zip.html
    S5570XWKA9 ## 2.2.1 2011 February S5570OXXKA8 Switzerland : http://hotfile.com/dl/146336334/068f…8_AUT.zip.html
    S5570XWKA9 ## 2.2.1 2011 February S5570OXXKA8 Open Austria : http://hotfile.com/dl/146336728/67ce…8_ATO.zip.html
    S5570XWKB2 ## 2.2.1 2011 February S5570PROKB1 Belgium / Luxemburg : http://hotfile.com/dl/145684504/e661…XWKB2.zip.html
    S5570BUKB1 ## 2.2.1 2011 February S5570VDFKA5 Netherlands (Vodafone) : http://hotfile.com/dl/145684166/3a99…BUKB1.zip.html
    S5570BUKB3 ## 2.2.1 2011 February S5570VDPKA5 Netherlands : http://hotfile.com/dl/145684182/30a4…BUKB3.zip.html
    S5570XWKA7 ## 2.2.1 2011 January S5570OXXKA6 Greece : http://hotfile.com/dl/133282104/8196…6_EUR.zip.html
    S5570XWKA7 ## 2.2.1 2011 January S5570XXKA6 … : http://hotfile.com/dl/145684603/bac8…XWKA7.zip.html
    S5570XWKAB ## 2.2.1 2011 January S5570XXKAA … : http://hotfile.com/dl/145684555/3a03…XWKAB.zip.html
    S5570XXJL9 ## 2.2.1 2010 December S5570SERJL9 Russia : http://www.multiupload.nl/PE3OSAS1UX
    S5570XWKS7 2010 November S5570LPMKQ3 France : http://www.hotfile.com/dl/147233183/…3_LPM.zip.html
    S5570XXKPJ 2.3.4 1970 January S5570SERKPJ Russia : http://www.hotfile.com/dl/154937874/…J_SER.zip.html
    S5570XIKQC 1969 December S5570WINKQ2 Italy (Wind) : http://www.hotfile.com/dl/147091118/…2_WIN.zip.html

    ** Contraseña es: samfirmware.com
    *Contraseña es: samsung-firmwares.com

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